Spain is a country in Europe. Its official name is the Kingdom of Spain. 505,370 square km is the total area it is all together. The country of Spain is in the southwestern part of Europe, on the Iberian peninsula. Portugal, Andorra, France, and the UK are all next to Spain. Gibraltar, which is a British Overseas Territory, is also next to Spain. It is shared with Portugal along the longest line. It shares about 85% of the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal, which is a smaller country next door. Spain has a robust economy that is classified as hybrid capitalism. It has the world's 12th largest economy and is noted for its excellent level of living and quality of life. Spain is one of the world's oldest constitutional monarchies. There is prehistoric rock art, historic cities, and buildings all around Spain. There are also bridges, national parks, and landscapes. Spain was once known as Iber.

Spain is the country that gave the world the mop and bucket. This took place in 1856. Spain is where the first cigarette-like product, which was made around the year 1700, was first made. In 1935, the first space suit for astronauts was made in Spain. It is 14.3 km (8.9 miles) wide at its narrowest point in the Straits of Gibraltar, which separate Europe and Africa. Spain is split into 17 regions called "autonomous communities." El Restaurant Botin, which opened in 1725, holds the Guinness World Records title for the oldest restaurant. Valencia, Spain's third-largest city, was ruled by Muslims for five hundred years. With a life span of 78 years, Spain is sixth in the world. Also, it is said that Spanish women live 86.3 years longer than men (80.9 years). "Gate of the Sun" (Puerta del Sol) in Madrid is right in the middle of the country.

When British soldiers got off the ship in Spain instead of Gibraltar in 2002, they accidentally attacked Spain. About twice the size of the US state of Oregon, Spain is a little bigger than twice the size of the UK. Just behind Russia, Ukraine, and France, Spain is the fourth biggest country in Europe. Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia are Spain's three biggest cities-all of them. To the east of Spain, in the Mediterranean Sea, are the Balearic Islands, which are about 80 km (50 miles) away. It is about 100 km (62 miles) from the coast of Africa to the west of Morocco is where the Canary Islands are located. Flamenco is a dance that comes from Spain. Spanish is the second most common mother language in the world. People from Spain and South America, like those in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela, speak Spanish. 43 million people in Spain speak Spanish as their first language. Madrid is one of the world's greenest cities. There are 14 economies bigger than this one in the world. The countries that buy the most from Spain are France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. The peseta was Spain's first money unit. Spain uses the Euro right now, just like most other European countries.

The Tower of Hercules in Spain is the oldest tower still in use in the world. It was built in the first century and is still used today. The Bull is Spain's national animal. The most important mountains in Spain are the Pyrenees, the Sierra de Guadarrama, the Sierra de Gredos, and the Sierra Nevada. The Rio Ebro is Spain's longest river, at 910 km. Most people in Spain like to play football, also called soccer. Most of the olive oil in the world comes from Spain, which makes 44% of it. Italy only makes 20%. Rioja, Priorat, and Rueda are some of Spain's most well-known areas. It just so happens that Spain makes the second most wine in the world.